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The George and Barbara Bush Foundation commissions two guitars for 41@100 from Bryan, Texas based Clements Guitars. Trey Clements to attend Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen concert tonight.
Who: Trey Clements, Texas A&M Class of 2013 and head Luthier with Bryan, Texas based Clements Guitars and The George and Barbara Bush Foundation
What: Two custom guitars honoring the celebration of President Bush’s 100th birthday will be at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum this evening. Already signed by The Oak Ridge Boys (who performed at the opening of the Marine One / 4141 Locomotive Pavilion yesterday evening) and The Gatlin Brothers (who performed for President Bush’s staff and friends on Tuesday night), the George H.W. Bush 32 Series Clements Guitar will be signed before the 7:30 pm concert by Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen. This custom 32 Series Clements Guitar will ultimately be sold at auction at next year’s Presidential Salute Dinner in Houston with proceeds benefiting the George and Barbara Bush Foundation. The second guitar is the first-of-its-kind JDC Series honoring the 4141 Locomotive. Designed to match the Air Force One color palette, this guitar will remain on display at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum as part of an 41@100 exhibit.
Trey Clements will be on site beginning at 4:00 pm today and is available for interviews.
About: Clements is no stranger to historically significant events. Each pearl-inlay signature on the headstock of these handcrafted instruments pays homage to his 4th Great Grandfather Joseph D. Clements who penned the “Come and Take It” words etched in Texas History:
“I cannot, nor do I desire to deliver up the cannon… We are weak and few in number, nevertheless we are contending for what we believe to be just principles and only through force will we yield. God and Liberty.”
– Joseph D. Clements to the Army of the Mexican Republic September 30th, 1835. Dewitt Colony, Texas
The Clements name represents an unwavering commitment to principle-based decisions & an acknowledgement that the future is shaped by present action. The quill and ink instrument used in 1835 has given way to the wood and wire used four generations down the line to create instruments for hands cutting trails across musical terrain.
Where: The George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum
When: Trey Clements will be on site today, Thursday June 13, 2024 beginning at 4:00 PM. The concert by Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen runs from 7:30 PM-9:00 PM.
Coverage: Media wishing to cover the event or secure interviews for this event can contact Trey Clements at 832-247-3539. Clements Guitars is located in Bryan, Texas.
For press inquiries, please contact:
Trey Clements
Head Luthier
CELL: 832-247-3539